
Showing posts from April, 2014
STRAY THOUGHTS 6/2014 Dear Friends, Early childhood provided to me, lots of stories from the epics, lots of sports, daily Geeta path and so on. TV didn’t exist. Movies were a once a month, quota basis, luxury. There were not very many distractions or friends around. Books, cricket and music were close friends. One of the fascinating and at the same time incongruous seeming stories out of the several that I kept hearing, was that of Bheem doing ‘मल्ल  युद्ध’ (wrestling duel) with Magadh Samrat Jarasandh. What was fascinating was that two very powerful, enormously overpowering personalities were wrestling; whereas, the incongruous part was the repeated tearing apart and   then rejoining of and coming back to life of the oft torn asunder Jarasandh. Over the years of growing up the wholly unpalatable and totally incongruous part remained just that, unpalatable, until I gradually stopped wrestling with the idea of rationalizing this seemingly unexplainable pheno...