
Showing posts from February, 2014

Stray Thoughts – 3/2014

Stray Thoughts – 3/2014   Even if we wish to, there are a lot of impediments to our quest for the Almighty. Why?   Dear Friends A close friend and a good kriyayogi once asked me a question on the subject above, today. This makes me very happy indeed, as it shows in one go, the churning of the juices in the brain and the utility of the Stray Thoughts series. We have seen and some have felt rather acutely, others a little mildly that the greatest critics of all our actions are our spouses. It would be serious mistake to treat them as impediments or hindrances, for they are not that at all. A car needs both the accelerator and the brake as well; I often say. Just imagine the great potential for disaster that a car without brakes would have. Goswami Tulsidas has said “निंदक निअरे राखिये कुटी आँगन छवाय ". The Almighty has provided the nindak in the shape of our spouse and no need for the kutia in the aangan as well. I recall a true story related by my Param Gu...
Stray Thoughts – 2/2014  Have u ever wondered why it is so difficult for us to perceive the Lord even though he is all pervasive? Or that you can as a matter of routine, interact with the material world in so many ways, but you are left wondering whether your creator exists at all? Why is it that he has made our sensory organs in such a way, that we are able to see, hear, feel, experience everything but him? Is He playing with us? Or is there a method to His seeming madness. It is actually His grace and blessing that He does not appear to most of us. If He were to do it we would not be able to tolerate the enormously powerful (prakash punj) light that He is; and surely either our puny heart or mind or both would fail in His divine presence. Arjun was scared witless remember? परांची खानी व्यतृनत स्वयम्भो ! तस्मात् परा पश्यन्ति न अंतरात्मा!!        says the kathopnishad The self created Lord created all the sensory organs of His creatures facin...
STRAY THOUGHTS  We have been outta touch for some time now. Sorry about that. Guess I got a little disorganised and there were no starry** stray thoughts. Did u guys miss me ? I guess not, coz if you did, somebody would have said so. Right ? But that brings me  to my stray thought for today. "CHANGE !!" Remember this word ? It was used by a tall, wiry, black gentleman called Barrack Hussain Obama to do the impossible and become what no one could have imagined, the C-in-C of USA, much to the chagrin of the Republicans and their constituency the RED Necks and the white shrouds with the peaked caps and burning crosses, and the amazement of the rest of the world. But stop and wonder what is it, in this word that grabbed the imagination of the world and created a miracle in the most paradoxically conservative of nations? CHANGE- is among the most basic of all human instincts. Everyone wants change!! The wife wants to change the husband and his habits to sui...
STRAY THOUGHTS 26 - JAN 2010 Dear friends, Have you ever wondered how sometimes whatever you desire fructifies very easily, and at other times no matter how hard and strong your desire, things simply go astray?? Have you also noticed during the course of your life that you wanted to be 'X' but ended up being 'Y' or that you landed up doing the very things that you detested. Why does it happen? Why does life meander like a river, ceaselessly and take you to shores that you had no desire to visit and away from those that you were so desperate to go to? Often a bullock cart in the village is accompanied on its journey by the owner's dog. The cartman drives and guides the cart; the dog simply barks every now and then. But the dog harbours the misconception that his bark is the reason the bullocks are pulling the cart. The cartman simply indulges and tolerates his pet- the dog. The Lord in the Gita says: Ishwaram Sarv Bhootanam, Hriddeshey Arjun Tisht...
Stray Thoughts 27 - 12 Jan 2010 Dear Friends, There are very many counter questions, whenever you try to reconcile the modern life, with what the scriptures propound since the hoary past. You are right but do you know that even the thinking processes (which you naturally think are your pwn personal contributions to the modern world) are fixed and not everyone will work hard no matter what. What you think and do are fixed as well. The thoughts come to you based on what gunn u r in at a particular time. The tiger will hunt other animal's off spring. But will lick and indulge its own. The instinct as we call it is a very complex interplay of many many forces and influences. These do not occur due to any accident. They appear at a certain time and place due to the destiny of the creatures present there. There was a plane accident. Some years ago in which a Mr Chaucharia a mama of Savita died in Japan along with nearly 500 others . The only survivor was a japane...
Stray Thoughts 1 -  9/1/2014 CLICK HERE to view my discourse on the GITA It has been a few years of national and personal turmoil since I put in my 'Stray Thoughts' to pen and paper. In these years of great disturbances which have kept me busy with unfruitful pursuits of illusory targets, the one thing that has kept me sane and happy has been the daily meditation that I learnt at the feet of my Gurudev, the periods of solitary and  intensive meditations and conclaves with great scholars at the Gurudham Ashram at the  foot of the Mandar Mountain, but above all the magnificent, bliss giving  and ever flowing GURU KRIPA which has allowed me to take sessions on the spiritual explanations of the Bhagwat Gita tuesdays in Dhanbad, and fridays in Kolkata, which make me sing of the Lord and dance in joy. In these blissful sessions certain very pertinent questions have popped up, amongst them:- 1. What is the meaning of Parasher's one night stand with Sat...