By  my Guru's grace, I am  watching the serial Mahabharat on  the telly,  and certain extraordinary hidden aspects are being revealed by Him. 

Some of these I have  shared with you in the recent past through STRAY THOUGHTS. 

In  one of  my Gita sessions in  Kolkata on the last Friday,  a question was raised by someone in  the  audience.  It  was  sudden  it  was intense and yet it  was  perfectly natural. 

Q: WHEN Karn was a Kunti offspring,  how  could he possibly go astray as  he did? 

I was taken  aback and surprised but my Guru Maharaj sent the answer in 
 A flash,  like the magic He showers on me, couched as  His kripa.

Kunti is  "avahan ki shakti",  this shakti is available in  the kutashth {Pandu}. Shakti or force is usually depicted as the wife of the controller in our shashtras. But she is yet not aware of Pandu {not married} yet  childishly {hence chanchal} begets Karn by calling on and invoking Suryadeo, without realising what it  will lead to. 

The moment the extreme and confounding presence of surya dev (kutashth) is invoked by the child in her, she realises what she has landed herself into.  But her unmarried (unsteady - chanchal buddhi) is unable to  hold on to  the child (sthir praan) and soon abandons it by floating  it  down the river Ganga(the ida nerve or naadi), (adhogati of praan pravah). She abandons her on  a bed  of  lotuses (the 6 chakrs). 
The innocent baby floats  down this progenitor of rajo gunn  the  Ida naadi to  his  foster  parents Adhirath(he who has immersed his mind in the  conduct of  the  body  and  all associated with it.  Adhi = buddhi.  And rath =chariot  or  body) and his  "wife"  Radha (Prakriti or nature  or  Maya,  call  it  what  you  will). 

This deadly combination led him astray even in his formative years. 
His mind was doctored and indoctrinated to seek material gain without much thought of his spiritual attainment or the truth about his own birth. 

So  he rapidly kept going  downhill with the single minded mission (meaningless ; as  most material achievements are) of  attaining fame as  the best archer in the world,  superior  to Arjun. In  order to  acquire the skills he even cheats and lies to  his  Guru Parshuram. That is how powerful his desire is, to be  superior to  all .  

Durbuddhi (Duryodhan) trapped him into an embrace  of  doom by  offering him what his worldly mind desired so much,  a bit  of  fame  as  Angraj. 

If you think   a bit,  you  will find  all   these  characters in  your own body. 

Now Karn sealed his fate and  assured his  own doom. 
In  the company of  the  cohorts of  Duryodhan,  Shakuni (jealousy), Dussashan(lust)  Ashwatthama (worldliness) Karn kept going down the wrong path to  his  ultimate fall from all things exalted and worthy. 

Bhishm being aware of the truth of  Karn's birth banned him from fighting.  But he did not realize why,  in  fact he felt victimized. 

Though his inner voice kept telling him about right as distinct (dharm - adharm) from wrong but by now he had mastered the art of  self  delusion. We all  know  how the  criminals intoxicate themselves to  suppress their inner voice and then justify their wrong deeds. 

Ultimately when  he became the commander of  the  Kauravs,  his  King Duryodhan ordered that Madra Naresh Shalya will be his  charioteer.  Madra is  the region between the Muladhar chakra and the swadhishthan chakra. It is  region which generates and sustains lust.  {Pandu the king ЁЯСС lost his  existence when he had intercourse with  Madri the princess from  this  region,  remember?} if kutashth (exalted thoughts of the Lord) is dragged down to  the nether region obviously it will loose its entity. 

Now imagine the ultimate tragedy of Karn(he represents all of  us,  you  me  all mankind ),  he enters his final battle for his life and his king Durbuddhi, burdened by the curse of his own --Guru,  on  a chariot managed by  lust to  fight Arjun (tejas tatwa) who is riding a chariot with  the Lord himself as the  charioteer. {charioteer here is  the guiding force, the inner voice, the chariot itself being  the  corporal body}. 

The Lord being the clever charioteer that  He is, traps Karn's chariot in  swampy land (paap karm ka natija) as just deserts,  for all his paap karm.  But the Lord being the ever 
benevolent master,  even to  the sinner,  in  His  mercy, absolves him by  an  embrace and an  updesh. Bhagwat darshan is  sufficient for absolution but  he  gets a bonus as an embrace. 

Ultimately the Lord orders a reluctant Arjun to  relieve Karn  of the weight of  his  sins. 
Arjun releases his arrow only after being reminded of what Karn had done to  Abhimanyu his  son. KARN  forgets all that he had learnt from his Guru as per his curse. 
If  you  watch attentively,  you  will  see the arrow hitting KARN in  the  neck.  Why this unusual spot for a fatal shot? Ever wonder? 

Well this  signifies the detachment of the body from  the True being.  There by a detachment from  all  past deeds. 

karn falls down and Kunti comes running, having heard of this deadly battle between her two favourite sons. 
In her ─Пesperate bid  to  locate the fallen Karn,  she herself falls and cuts her palm.  The bleeding palm collects a bit of  earth,  this bloody mixture gets  smeared on  the  forehead  of  the mortally wounded dying Karn. 

This is the final absolution, he is raised from  the  completely demeaning muladhar to  the  exalted kuthashth,  the place where the Lord Himself resides. 


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