Stray Thoughts – 2/2014 

Have u ever wondered why it is so difficult for us to perceive the Lord even though he is all pervasive? Or that you can as a matter of routine, interact with the material world in so many ways, but you are left wondering whether your creator exists at all? Why is it that he has made our sensory organs in such a way, that we are able to see, hear, feel, experience everything but him?
Is He playing with us? Or is there a method to His seeming madness. It is actually His grace and blessing that He does not appear to most of us. If He were to do it we would not be able to tolerate the enormously powerful (prakash punj) light that He is; and surely either our puny heart or mind or both would fail in His divine presence. Arjun was scared witless remember?

परांची खानी व्यतृनत स्वयम्भो !
तस्मात् परा पश्यन्ति न अंतरात्मा!!        says the kathopnishad
The self created Lord created all the sensory organs of His creatures facing outward !
Thats why we see the world not the soul inside us !!

However, He has designed all our senses to be inverted in-wards away from this world that we are so in love with, towards the lord Himself, in His favourite ‘abode’ us. These organs which man uses for sensing the world can all be turned in-wards to see your maker resplendent in His full glory inside yourself. The sages and the Rishis have been doing it for ages.

कश्चिद् धीराः प्रत्यागात्मनः !
मैक्ष्हते आवृत चक्षुण अमृतात मिच्छन्नः !!   explains the kathopnishad in the very next verse.
some of the patient  ones (kriyayogis), however, by inverting their senses inwards, see me the Lord inside themselves with their eyes closed .

Yogiraj Kabir says :

जोगी हुआ और झक्क लगी और मिट गयी खेंचा तान !
उलट समाना आप में तो हो गया ब्रम्ह सामान !!
The moment you become a YOGI (one who wants to be one with HIM), you are free of all worldly conflicts
With the ability to invert inwards all his senses he actually becomes Him.

We have always thought these great Yogis, difficult to understand, strange, slightly weird even. Believe me the feeling is mutual. For they wonder how can anyone be so foolishly content in this false and illusory world,where everything that we so assiduously 'create' or collect is destined to be destroyed; without knowing and finding the shelter of his own creator.
The other world is a place beyond imagination. No amount of story telling or satsang or katha can give you even a glimpse of the great non depleting joy that pervades it.

I am often reminded of the ad for Melody chocolate when I try to think what it is like."Melody khao khud jaan jao"
देवम भूत्वा देवम यजेत -- to worship Him truly you have to be Him. Kabir said and most of you will remember this from the school days--

"लाली मेरे लाल कि जित देखो तित लाल , लाली देखन मैं गया मैं भी हो गया लाल !! 
लाल लाल तो सब कहें और सबके पल्ले लाल, गाँठ खोल देखा नहीं या से भय कंगाल" !!! 

When I tried to perceive His glory, I was coloured in His hues, as I found it in everything around me!
Everyone says so as the Lord, the King Of all Kings resides in all of us. But as we are unable to open the knots which hide Him from us and thus become paupers!!

These " knots" are the three ग्रंथि in the shushumana naadi called the Muladhar, the Hriday and the Jivha granthis.
When the being is not able to do it himself then the Devon Ke Dev Mahadev uses His TRISHUL to open all three in one go to bless with salvation.

But think, the Lord is described as smaller than an atom and larger than  the entire creation, so if a rationalist or a non believing scientist were to try to see Him he would need two additional sensory organs or eyes, a scanning tunnelling electron microscope together with a Hubble space telescope .

How would he manage to move? and follow his every day routine?
Very Very difficult I would say!!!!

Are you game to try to look for Him, in the way our yogis have done since time started?

Pray to Him, He will surely guide you with a how to do it manual.

Think about it

Happy hunting

God Bless



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